How to become a famous designer
OPENING the ATypI conference in Lisbon (in the place of Ellen Lupton, whose flight from Baltimore was cancelled [notes to self: avoid BWI; avoid US Air; allow an extra day for travel to Europe, particularly when giving keynote]), Erik Spiekermann, who is able to speak a the drop of a hat, explained how he does design.
The great unwinding
THE THIRD act of the Tribune’s ownership of the Los Angeles Times opened Thursday, without pausing for an intermission, when the board allowed that it might sell some of the company’s newspapers.
A reality-based guide to news site design: Part 1
WHEN Roger asked me to contribute to his blog. I couldn't say no, and I'll tell you why.
You can take so much cheese off the pizza that nobody will eat it
THE PRINT media continues to lose elevation, and now the heavy freight is being chopped up for fuel, or just jettisoned. Time Warner, Tribune have announced big asset sales. But the death grip of the stock analysts and the media buyers has not relaxed. Further cuts will be needed. Products will get thinner, pages sizes smaller.
Stop the press, they’re putting ads on the page!
A WHILE back The New York Times, announcing that it was going to put ads on the front of the Business section,* mentioned, with a shudder, that the Wall Street Journal was actually going to put ads on their Page One.
“Give it to the monkeys in the back!”
EVERYONE should have somebody like Adie Marks as their first boss.
The last blog
OF COURSE, it’s probably not the last blog, even for me. Wishful thinking. I am just getting started on one so late that perhaps no one can stand to read another, or to comment on it. But here we are. Late to the table is better than no meal at all. The point is to provoke a conversation about media design, and I hope you will dive in.
The intern made me do it
OKAY, okay, okay, it’s red, white and black. I’ve taken a lot of heat since I suggested that the classic print color combination could work well on the web. No one followed this advice, and so most web sites are white, gray or blue. Or a combination.
THIS week, two new free papers sprung up in London.
Last days of the dinosaurs
HARRIS Seigel, the Nils Lofgren look-alike who is one of the stars of the SND, had a header on his slide presentation reading, “Society of News Dinosaurs.” Seigel showed work from the hilarious Asbury Park Press feature section which uses real people in large numbers to tell stories, usually involving alcohol.
2006-09-17 by Alexander Probst
Keep ReadingThe idea is simple, has been done before—but not like this.
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